Aug 28, 2012

The Beginning of our Second-First Date

I'm trying to get this here blog started with a background of the Maynes'. Today I want to reminisce about our second-first date.

Greg and I hadn't really talked since our first-first date. Because we were both crazy-shy. Most of the blame is on me because I am the one who started the no-more-talking deal. I really never thought I'd really see, or hang out with him, again.

It was towards the beginning of 2009 and I was working as a data-entry agent in the Elite Services Department of XanGo. It was the "slow time" of the month, so me and the other data-entry agent really just hung out until we were given work to do. A lot of my day was playing games on Facebook or browsing the internet.

While I was "working" I noticed I had a Friend Request on Facebook, so of course I check it out. As crazy as it sounds- it was Greg Maynes. After a LONG debate (wink,wink), I added him and stalked through his pictures, like a normal person would do. Later that day, or week, he wrote on my page just saying hi, and asking what I had been up to in the past .. a lot of years. I wrote back with the generic "Not much. You?" response. I thought it would fizzle out and that would be that.- Wrong again! We started writing to each other back and forth on our wall's and finally our messages got too long and we had to send it in a message. This went on for weeks. We got to know each other really well. He was working the graveyard-shift at Primary Children's Hospital at the time so I would get messages from him at really odd hours.I remember looking forward to his e-mails each morning, and sometimes the afternoon too. I finally got bold and gave him my phone number.

I'm not going to lie when I say that I  was expecting a call within 24 hours. I can assure you that it did not happen. We still e-mailed back and forth, but he never asked a certain question.. the one I was DYING to hear. A few days passed and I had stopped staring at the phone (yes, i'm one of those girls). Who am I kidding, I still watched that thing like a hawk.

Sunday dinner came and went- I'm sure it was good, my mom can definitely cook. I just remember when my family and I were all hanging out after eating and joking around, my phone lit up! It was Greg (it was about ... time!). I played it cool. But only if cool means running and jumping over people while I ran to my room and slammed the door. But I did let it ring two or  three times so he wouldn't think I was sitting around waiting for the call.

It was raining really hard and he was on the freeway driving to work. I honestly had the hardest time understanding him. I did make out that he wanted to take me out the following Friday, March 27th, 2009. (Is it cheesy that I remember the dates?).

So Friday night rolled around and I was getting really anxious. For those who don't know me, I'm a serious worrier- about EVERYTHING. So, the anxious thoughts started running through my mind a million thoughts per second, not literally (haha?). Any-who.. I just remembered how awkward things got after the first-first date. So I was a little worried, not gonna lie.  Well he picked me up, and the first thing I noticed was that he was taller than I remembered. No joke. I don't think I've even told him that.

So our date  began by driving to Lehi to go to a nice little Thai restaurant. We got totally forgotten about by our waiter. Our table was in the far corner, and no one was really sat by us. We were literally there for at least two hours. Luckily, things went extremely well. We talked and there were not any awkward pauses. It was a really crazy. We clicked almost immediately. After dinner we were supposed to go rock-climbing, but plans changed due to being neglected at the restaurant. Instead we opted to go to a movie. We decided to see Duplicity (with Julia Roberts and Clive Owen.. ring a bell?). It was not a good movie, to us at least. We talked through most of it. We normally despise people who talk through movies. But it was pretty empty and it was really stupid.
(Ring a bell?)

Then he dropped me off, and we ended the night with a crazy make-out session... just kidding. It was just a nice hug. Definitely the BEST second-first-date, ever!

Aug 13, 2012

Educational Weekend

Hello Monday, I sincerely despise you. 

I'm just like anyone else, I love having weekends and hate when they end. They are always too short; and weekdays are too long. If I were to rule the world, I would make it so that weekends are 5 days, and work days are only 2 days; with the same pay. I would be an excellent ruler.

My weekend was very educational. I learned many life lessons. Some of the most important lessons are below. Look and Learn.

Lesson #1: My adorable little nephew CAN get cuter. I am seriously obsessed with this little guy. I remember when my sister announced that she was going to be having a little baby. It was cool at the time. But, as the day got closer and her belly began to grow- it all seemed much more real and exciting. I didn't understand how much I could love a little baby I just met so much. That first time I saw him, he won me over.


 Lesson #2: You don't HAVE to be redneck to enjoy a good ol' fashion demolition derby. On Saturday night we tagged along with Greg's brother, his wife, and their  friends. It was  the first demolition derby Greg and I had ever  been to. I honestly didn't really know what to expect, but it was really fun. There were some really odd people doing some really odd things. But, it is what it is.  Here is a picture of my favorite/scariest part:

Lesson #3: I CAN take a picture and not make a weird, overly-excited face. Here it is folks.
First  Attempt

Second Attempt

Lesson #4: I have started doing nails a little here and there. I have a Gelish kit and normally only do one color. Well my little sister is getting sealed next week and wanted a french tip. I was hesitant to try, but I got the stuff over the weekend and tried it on myself, and I'm not gonna lie- I'm impressed. Evidence below:That is all for now! I hope you had a great weekend, too! Only a few more days until the next one! Tootles! 
And my right hand isn't half-bad either!

Aug 10, 2012

Him + Her

I just wanted to do a quick introduction about Greg and myself. We both filled out a little survey dealio. 

Here is Greg's take on the questions...
What is her name? Kristi
How long have you been together? 3 and a half years
How long did you date? 10 months
How old is she? 27
Who eats more?
Who said I love you first?
Who is taller? Me
Who can sing better? Me
Who is smarter? Me
Who does the laundry? Me
Who pays the bills? Me
Who sleeps on the right side?
Who mows the lawn? N/A but it would be me
Who cooks dinner? .Me
Who drives? Me
Who is more stubborn? Kristi
Who kissed who first?
I kissed her first
Who asked who out first?
I asked her
Who proposed? Me
Who is more sensitive? Who has more siblings? Kristi-both
Who wears the pants? ME!!!
Isn't he funny? Yeah, I didn't think so either. He said, "Well, I am there to supervise" -his words, not mine. Punk.
Here is my take on it... 
What is his name? Gregory Kurt Maynes
How long have you been together? Since March 2009, so about 3.5 years.
How long did you date? Our (second) first date was on March 27th.. and he asked me to marry him on October 10th.
How old is he? 27.. but a few months older.
Who eats more?
Who said I love you first?
Technically me. Greg drove me home from a date one night and he was extremely sick. As I got out of the car I said something like, "Feel better, I love you!" ... He didn't hear me and asked me to repeat myself. So I said, "Feel better..." I took off the I love you part, because I was afraid it would freak him out... Then one day after my work summer party, he said it.
Who is taller? Greg by a few inches.
Who can sing better? Undecided, he sings more than I do.
Who is smarter? Probably Greg. He remembers everything.
Who does the laundry? Both. We both do a fair share of the laundry. He isn't picked on and have to do it all himself.
Who pays the bills? He says that he does.. but I'm the one with the check book. However, we are both in charge of paying certain bills.
Who sleeps on the right side?
If you are looking at the bed, he is on the right side.
Who mows the lawn? Our apartment manager. :)
Who cooks dinner?
Who drives? Greg does usually, but I sometimes take a turn
Who is more stubborn? We are both pretty stubborn.. I think he's more so though.
Who kissed who first?
Who asked who out first?
First-first date, I did. Second-first date, he did.
Who proposed? Greg
Who is more sensitive? Who has more siblings? I win on both accounts.
Who wears the pants? He likes to think he is. But I'm the boss. ;)
That is just a little on us... I'll be back later telling more info on "our story"!

Aug 8, 2012

First Date

Greg and I met back in kindergarten, Mrs. McCone was our teacher. We also grew up in the same LDS stake. Oh, and we only lived like 3 blocks away from each other for most of our lives.

Greg and I had always known each other, but we never really started talking until we were in 10th grade, in Mrs. Wellings algebra class. Greg sat up one seat forward, and one seat to the right of me in that class. There were a couple of us who would chit-chat before, after, and a little during class (of course). If you were to ask Greg, he'd tell you the only reason we talked was so that I could copy his math homework, which is only partially true; I did borrow his answers, but we talked for fun as well.

Well a few months after school  started they announced that the Sweethearts Dance was coming up in February. It was the hot topic and all the girls were planning on who they would ask and what group they wanted to be in. Luckily, I got  to participate this time, because I would be 16 right before the day of the dance. I'm sure you can guess who I asked, Greg. Big surprise, right? Anyway, I remember asking Greg with a few bags of starbursts and making a sign that said something about look in the candies to see who is bursting to go to Sweethearts with you.. and had my name tucked away into some of the wrappers. I don't remember how he replied, but he said yes.

The quicker that day came, the worse my nerves got. I'm a very anxious girl, and this was my first date.. and I asked him! When I get nervous I can do some really dumb things. For some reason I got all weird around him because I didn't want him, or others, to think I was like in love with him and get teased for it. Crazy, right? It was just a dance. 

Well the awkwardness continued the day of the dance.  I didn't quite have my license so we carpool with another couple to the dance. Because Greg lived so close, we went to his house first. I remember walking up to his door literally shaking because of nerves. His mom opened the door, I knew her from church activities as well as she is who did the crossing on my way to school in elementary school... Anyways, she answered the door and guided me into their front room where Greg, his dad, and his sister, Rhiannon, were waiting. Because it was a formal dance I was supposed to pin on a boutonniere. I say supposed to because I was shaking too bad to be able to do it; luckily his mom stepped in. 

The first event of the night was dinner. We went to a little Italian restaurant with our group. It was good, we had a decent sized group, so there weren't too many awkward silences. Before we left the restaurant me and a few other girls went to "powder our noses". While we were in there I was checking my hair and/or makeup and leaned up on the counter towards the mirror- BIG mistake. There was a bunch of water, and that water hit me just right and I looked as though I had peed my pants/dress. Awesome. I was literally running around in the bathroom trying to get it to dry before we had to leave. 

On the way to the dance the fun continued, there was a slight fender-bender with a friends car. It was bad that we had the accident- but at least it wasn't some stranger, right? Right. FINALLY we were on our way to the dance. Man, I was SO nervous. Greg was too. So with that combination it was a fun, but awkward date.

In my mind, I thought everyone would think we were an "item" now that we went to that dance together... and I liked him. However, I had a funny way of showing it, I avoided him like the plague- and not just in math... the rest of high school! 

But, believe it or not, we did have a second date... just quite a few years later.