Oct 1, 2012

Be Yourself, Be Yourself, BEE YOURSELLLLF

Has anyone seen Just Friends? Probably one of the best films ever made. It is pure joy on a disc. If you haven't seen it, you probably don't have a soul, and I feel bad for you.

Anywho, Chris (Ryan Reynolds) accidentally comes home for Christmas with his "girlfriend," Samantha James the singer/songwriter. During his short visit home he sees his high school crush and decides to try and win her over. Rather than just being himself, he tries to pick up the traits of guys Jamie Palamino always went after in high school. As he panicked trying to win her over, his mother sings him a sweet, sweet tune. It goes a little like this: "Be yourself, be yourself, be yourseeellllfff". Its pretty deep.

You may be wondering why I would bring such a random movie/song up. Well, recently I've noticed people who just aren't comfortable in their own skin. Each person here on earth was designed to be unique, or original; that is what makes this world so amazing. There isn't, or shouldn't be, anyone who is absolutely the same as you are- and its a good thing. 

Growing up you always do what you have to do to survive the school years. You follow the current trend, you read the "coolest" books/magazines, you listen to the "popular" music. Its hard to define who you are in those years, at least it was for me. After I graduated high school and  ventured into the real world, I learned that it was okay to be me. I could listen to the cheesy boy bands and not be teased (too much). I can dress however  I want. I can be myself. I think finally by the ripe ol' age of 27 I'm finally comfortable in my own skin, being who I am and not worry what others may think.

When someone is trying to be something other than who they are, its hard to really know them. If they don't know who they are themselves, how is anyone else supposed to know?

Here are some cute little quotey-quotes on being original/unique.

Be yourself!
My favorite one of all. Thank you, Pinterest!

Be yourself
(Thank you, Pinterest)
(Thank you, Tumblr)

Be Yourself...
(Thank you again, Pinterest!)

Good night!

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